Artist Statement

Barbara posing with her installation piece Look Deep Into Nature

Barbara posing with her installation piece Look Deep Into Nature

“I am a storyteller and an observer of nature and the nature of the human condition. Color, humor and animation are important aspects of my work. Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, Flemish art and Japanese woodblock prints were all early influences. Growing up on a farm as a child I played and fantasized in the large barns in the back of my house. Working with my hands I assembled special environments for myself and these became my living sculptures. Years later I became a sculptor of paper, creating indoor environments on a larger scale. 

All materials have limitations so my processes and materials have changed. My interest in depicting human nature and its foibles however has never changed.

Ever-evolving, I arrived at mixed media art. Recently focusing on 2D paper works I revel in the details by utilizing simple non-printing press techniques, digital art, painting and cut paper to bring my 2D art to life. 

Life offers challenges to be taken up so my latest venture is a return to sculpture, this time for the outdoors using materials meant to be weathered in temporary installations.”